Wednesday 29 April 2015


Sikika is a health advocacy local NGO registered in Tanzania with a nationwide mandate to have an oversight role in the performance of the health sector. It is expected that this oversight will contribute to the attainment of quality health services to all Tanzanians through the use of Social Accountability Monitoring (SAM) in the health sector. Since its establishment in 1999, the organization has transformed in many ways – from working on supporting youth reproductive health programs to broader fundamental health systems programs namely Health Care Governance and Financing, Human Resources for Health, Medicines and Medical Supplies and HIV & AIDS.
During the implementation of the strategic plan we intensified our interventions in selected rural districts of: Kondoa and Mpwapwa (Dodoma), Kiteto & Simanjiro (Manyara), Iramba and Singida Rural (Singida) to complement the previously urban and semi urban districts focus in Kibaha (Pwani) and Kinondoni, Temeke, Ilala (Dar es Salaam). The purpose was to empower both rural and semi urban citizens by reinforcing accountability within the local government health systems. Social Accountability Monitoring 1 in health systems was central to all interventions within the Program’s Strategic Plan period, while Outcome Mapping 2 was applied as the main management tool for internal planning, monitoring & evaluation.
In contributing to the progressive realization of rights and capabilities in the health sector, the 2011-2015 Strategic Plan aimed at achieving the following broad objectives through Social Accountability Monitoring:
  1. Increased health sector budget efficiency, transparency and accountability at both central and local Government levels.
  2. Increased financial allocation, equitable distribution of health workers and their adherence to professional ethics.
  3. Increased availability and accessibility to quality medicines and supplies at all levels of health care delivery.
  4. Enhanced accountability and oversight function over HIV&AIDS resources at both central and local government level.
The five-year strategic plan 2011-2015 will come to an end in December 2015. Hence it is important to conduct an external evaluation, assessing the strategy’s effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, and sustainability; and specifically identifying the major outcomes that the programme achieved during the period of five years.
I. Inform management decisions on strategic positioning for the next strategic plan 2016 -2020.
II. Provide learning and recommendations to inform Sikika interventions for the 2016 -2020 strategic plan period. This will assist Sikika to address any weaknesses and gather lessons from the current strategic plan, build on future opportunities, capitalize on strengths and develop strong explicit approaches to threats/challenges for conception and smooth implementation of the next strategic plan 2016 -2020.
III. Inform Sikika funding partners; the results would inform funding partners as well as facilitate strategic partnerships for the 2016-2020
The work will include but not necessarily be limited to:
I. An evaluation of direct and indirect health results obtained in relation to Sikika’s vision of quality health services to all Tanzanians and the objectives of its strategic plan. It will provide an in-depth analysis of the specific areas and identify factors contributing to the same, including the significance of Sikika’s contribution to the results identified.
II. An assessment of the institutional capacity that supported the programme, by reviewing the organization’s internal strategies and approaches in delivering strategic objectives and
III. Assess to what extent has Sikika responded to changes in the context in which its work is situated and to the recommendations of the 2013 midterm review.
Criteria for Bids:
I. The Bidder should forward a proposal of maximum 10 pages with a clear and detailed understanding of the assignment, and description of the methodology and the analytical framework that will be used for this assignment. The bid should include an indication of the sampling method proposed and the approach to evaluating Value for Money and institutional capacity in relation to efficiency and effectiveness.
II. The Bidder should also demonstrate to have undertaken at least 1 similar assignment in the Region.
III. A sample of a previous evaluation should be included as well as CV of the team leader should be included. CV’s of other consultants as found necessary must be mentioned and can be included.
IV. A description of individual qualities should be included in the tender for the team leader, such as: ability and competencies to work in and lead a team (track records), communication skills, planning skills, action learning skills as well as other relevant competencies.
A plan and financial bid with estimated number of man-days and fee-rate for each consultant should be attached. The budget should also contain other charges expected.
Evaluator qualifications
Team leader
I. A university (PhD/masters level) degree in a relevant field (especially Public Health (PH), Health Economics and/or Management or Organizational Development or both);
II. A good ‘track record’ as a team leader and relevant working experience, ideally from developing countries;
III. 8-10 years of relevant professional experience in the area of Organization Management which includes Leadership, Programme Planning, implementation and Monitoring and Evaluation, and at least 3 years from the health sector, preferably in an African country;
Adequacy for the assignment
I. Bids are invited from registered Evaluators/Companies and should demonstrate strong (more than 5 years) experience in applying Outcome Mapping in program planning, monitoring and evaluation among other qualifications.
II. Extensive knowledge and experience with health systems, preferably from Africa
III. Experience in developing, implementing and monitoring health programmes, which have elements of social accountability and demand side strengthening;
IV. Experience in objective and results based planning;
V. Good analytical skills and ability to communicate and deliver in a complex setting;
VI. Strategic thinker and very good planning knowledge and skill competences
VII. Very good communication and interpersonal relation skills such as adaptability, social sensitivity and respect for other people and their cultures;
VIII. Flexibility and patience;
IX. Knowledge and experience in evaluation technique, complexity theories and implementation;
X. Experience of working on organization and capacity assessment preferably from both public and private (NGO) institutions;
XI. Ability to work with public and private (NGO) institutions and international organizations.
Experience in the region and language
I. Relevant experience from the region
II. Fluent in English and Kiswahili
[1] Social Accountability Monitoring (SAM) refers to a broad range of actions and mechanisms that citizens, their representatives, communities, independent media and civil society organizations can use to hold public officials and public servants accountable. It is 5 cycle process which include Planning & Resource Allocation, Expenditure Management, Performance Management, Public Integrity and Oversight
[2] Is a methodology for planning, monitoring and evaluating development programmes that are oriented towards social change. OM provides a set of tools and guidelines to gather information on the changes in behaviour, actions and relationships of those individuals, groups or organizations with whom the programme is working directly and seeking to influence. OM puts people and learning at the center of development and accepts unanticipated changes as potential for innovation.

Send applications to: The Executive Director, Sikika, P.O Box 12183, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania or by e-mail to Please send in your application on or before 10/05/2015
Please visit our website for information on Terms of Reference:


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