Thursday 12 March 2015


For more than 30 years, Médecins du Monde, a campaigning medical organisation committed to international solidarity, has been caring for the most vulnerable populations at home and abroad. It has continued to highlight obstacles that exist in accessing health care and has secured sustainable improvements in health-for-all policies. Those working for this independent organisation do not solely dispense care and treatment but condemn violations of human dignity and rights and fight to improve matters for populations living in precarious situations.
MdM currently works in 46 countries across all continents where it focuses on 4 priority areas: caring for the health of migrants and displaced persons, promoting sexual and reproductive health, combating HIV and reducing the harm and risks associated with drug use, crises and conflicts.
MdM has been working in Tanzania since 1992 on HIV/AIDS development projects. Since 2010 MdM has implemented a Harm Reduction program in Temeke District focused on HIV and Hepatitis prevention among Injecting Drug Users (IDUs). The project has a huge component on building local partners capacities, including in terms of finance, administration, fundraising and logistics.
In the context of the program activities’ development, a position of Administrative and Logistic Advisor has been created in 2013 in order to set and support the administrative and logistic Department of the program.
  1. As Administrative and Logistic Advisor you are member of the Country Coordination Team.
  2. The main duty of the Administrative and Logistic Advisor is to manage the financial, accounting, budgetary, human resources, administrative and logistics aspects of the mission in order to guarantee rigorous application of MDM procedures and to fulfil the objectives of the mission.
  3. The Administrative Advisor reports directly to the General Coordinator and works in direct link with the Finance and Human Resources Department at the HQ.
  • S/he manages the administration and logistic team and ensures their continuous training and capacity building; She assesses the human resources needed to reach the standards of operation , hires and trains the support team
  • Concerning the budget of the Tanzania program, s/he is responsible for budgetary planning and monitoring, in collaboration with coordinators and administrator who he/she also build the capacity in terms of budget planning;
  • In terms of financing, s/he is responsible for good relations with donors, prepares financial reports, ensures that contractual obligations are fulfilled and participates in preparation of audit and external evaluations; he/she finalizes the monthly accountancy in SAGA. He/she builds the local capacity to use SAGA
  • In terms of logistics, he/she supervises all purchases, stock management, etc. With the support of the HQ logistic department he/she guaranties that the procurement procedures are done in line with MDM and donors guidelines and policies.He/she is in charge of planning and organizing all logistics activities.With the support of the logistician assistant he/she supervises the following activities are performed (Good and regularly maintenance of the program office and vehicles, coordination of transport of staff and goods according to the need of the program, efficient communication system, coordination of purchases, stock management, maintenance and rehabilitation of the buildings
  • In terms of partners capacity building, he/she will strive to help partners reach adequate level of reporting in financing and logistics
  • As for Human Resources, s/he ensures an efficient policy complying with national rules and MdM procedures;
  • S/he guarantees the respect of administrative and legal framework, ensures implementation and respect of rules on the program;
  • S/he supports the coordination team in the elaboration and follows up of any other MDM activity in Tanzania (specific partnerships or occasional operations)
  • S/he takes part in MDM internal and external meetings and represents the organisation on the administrative issues.
  • Starting: May 2015
  • Duration: 12 months (renewable)
  • Fixed Term Contract
  • Strong INGO experience abroad as administrative coordinator or equivalent
  • At least 2 years of experience in team management
  • Experience in building capacity of national partners
  • Ease with complex finances
  • Good knowledge and experience of international donors guidelines and procedures
  • Experience in acknowledging and take into account the labor law in the HR mission policy
  • Experience in following NGO legal status
  • Experience in logistics
  • Excellent command of Excel and SAGA software
  • Ability and interest to supervise logistics
  • Language:English
MdM stands up for the integration of people living with disabilities and fights against discrimination.

To apply this position, please send a resume and a cover letter via this link.
To have a look at all our vacancies.
« MdM reserves the right to close any vacancy before the advertised deadline. Thank you for your understanding. »


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