to reports by the media and signed by EWURA's Director General Lord
Felix Ngamlagosi shows the existence and price changes for all type of
oil compared to price of the edition of last year December 07. 2016.
statement shows that the price of rejereja for diesel and kerosene in
January 2017 will decrease in Tsh 66 per litre equal to 3.68 percent, in
terms of gasoline prices have increased slightly by shs 0.10 per litre
equals 0.01 aslimia compared the teleo prices last year.
terms of overall prices for diesel and kerosene have been reduced to
Balance 66 per litre equivalent to 3.91 percent and Tsh 37 per litre
equivalent to 2.25 percent, in terms of Gasoline prices have increased
slightly 0.01kwa Tsh liters equals 0.01.%
addition the statement added that there will be no change in the price
of oil in Tanga region this is due to kutokwepo and new shipments of oil
to the port of Tanga from December 2016 thus resulted in the price of
oil in the region in January to remain as it was in the month of
December 2016.
report also notes that oil price changes of retail in Dar Es Salaam
Petroleum 1890, Diesel 1732 when paraffin will be 1700, mabadiloko of
fuel prices in the country are due to changes in the world oil market.
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