Tuesday 27 December 2016

Snake owner dies after death of his snake

WORLD there are, what you can say from Street resident hostage, Songea Municipality, Denis Komba (26) died after his snake that had been carried in the pocket of jacket and citizens killed.

Komba died in hospital of Appeal Songea Ruvuma region (Homso) where he was admitted after an angry mob killed him with stones and that his snake stick.

Eyewitnesses state that before people kill the snake, Komba urged not to do so have been killed and he would die, but his proposal was not likusikilizwa.

According to eyewitnesses, the day of the event Komba rented motorcycle Kassian Haule (24) who is a resident of Mpitimbi, with registration number MC 724 AKB to be taken to his home district of hostages.

Narrating the incident, said he arrived at the scene of TPB old highway Sokoine, the driver of the motorcycle he sensed something kinamtekenya and hit knocked back, then turned back and saw his passenger carrying a big snake while he was suspended upside.

Haule said, after seeing a snake jumped from the motorcycle and falling edges of the road and its passengers had left the snake who fled to kalavati water.

He added that when he shouted for help and a group of fellow riders arrived at the scene with the aim of helping their fellow companions on the Patriarch to make him suddenly screams.

He said before the boys did not do anything, Komba urged youths and others who arrived in the area not thrashing his snake as if they struck and die he will also lose a life. From these words, Haule gave the snake inside kalavati and cooperate with peers they started beating the snake to death.

He said when the snake struck, Komba, who is the owner of the snake and began to weaken and fell down with foaming mouth and nose.

Reports indicate that, after the fall Komba was rushed to hospital for treatment; however, the efforts of doctors and nurses of the hospital to save her life have failed because Komba died.

Police Commander Ruvuma Region, Zuberi Mwombeji, confirmed the incident, adding that the deceased did not have any injury and has been stored in the storage room at the hospital dead Songea appeal.

He said the snake was killed by citizens has been taken up by the department of natural resources and further investigation of the incident is underway to identify the essence of the event and then killed the snake and its owner died. Mwombeji commander said, on the part of the driver of the motorcycle he keeps well and is being treated in hospital Appeals Ruvuma region.

Moreover Mwombeji Commander, has appealed to citizens to stop once owning the spoils of government that can bring consequences such as injuries or deaths.

Furthermore in another incident, a resident of the village of Mdunduwalo Joseph Charles (27) has died of burns and stomach a sharp object and Oddo Komba (34), a resident of Mhepai ​​Abbey after the conflict when they went out drinking.

The commander of the police said the incident occurred on the 26th this month at 1 night in the village of Mtyangimbole cut Gumbiro in the district council of Madaba in Songea where the source of the killings are a quarrel ensued along the way between them when they come home from a club liquor decorations.


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