Sunday 11 December 2016

RESEARCH: Men 7 of the 10 commenters.

While  Laws Services Media if passed, statistics Voices of Men and Afrobarometer indicate that citizens support the duty of the press to hold the government in

According to the Afrobarometer survey, 65 percent of citizens would like the media should provide information evils committed by the government, including corruption. However, 31 percent say the provision of such information will affect the country.

It is the country 8 out of 10 (75%) who say that the media is working best to expose evil and corruption, while the country 2 out of 10 (18%) say they are not doing a good job. With regard to the freedom to broadcast news, 53 percent say the media, be free to advertise any information with 44 percent saying the government should have the authority to ban newspapers.

Similarly, 65 percent say the media not recorded or as Have you ever, are very rarely wrong has been using his freedom to advertise things that are not true. The public largely supported the freedom of opinion and information. Almost all (95%) say the country be free to criticize the government when the detected error.

Also they support democracy. Data Voice of Citizens recent show 69 percent of people chose democracy than other forms of government. Support this democracy is also evident through data Afrobarometer (2014) that show 79 percent of the public saying that the government's leading democracy is the form of government they liked most and 81 percent saying it is better to choose their leaders through free elections democratic.

Access to information is also important for the country. 77 percent say ordinary citizens should be able to access information held by public authorities, with 23 percent saying it is only those who work in the public authorities are should be allowed to obtain such information.

80 percent say the availability of such information to the public will help reduce corruption, with 20 percent saying public servants will seek other ways to hide their evil deeds.

In support of their right of access to government information, almost all (92%) say it is important for parliament sessions aired directly through television and radio. 79 percent oppose government decisions to terminate these ads and 88 percent say lirushwe parliament directly regardless of the cost. 12 percent say they think the issue of austerity is good reason to kutokurusha parliamentary sessions directly.

These data have been collected and can we after the signing of the new law's repressive media services. These figures are the result of a recent survey by Afrobarometer Voices of Men.

We may Aidan CEO Eyakuze, says "This year, 2016, has been marred and challenging year for the right of citizens to obtain information and express their views freely. Advertising directly to Parliament through local television and radio stations have been suspended this year, although the majority have continued to apply should be retired. Several Tanzanians have taken strong action under the law of the Crime of networks for the crime of expressing their views, as well as this year when repressive laws Services Information passed by Parliament and signed by the President. Our data indicate that citizens cherish the three main pillars of a stable democracy; freedom of the press, freedom of speech and right to information. Men also have a comprehensive understanding of the impact of the squeeze on these rights important to the masses. They also understand the importance of having media visivyokaliwa throats. It is good that the views of citizens are respected. We believe that the sensible, wise, informed decisions without bias with positive thinking it leads the implementation of this law to work the media. "


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