Sunday 11 December 2016


 four WOMEN in Mhumbu Village, County Hunyari Bunda district, have been wounded by firing with heavy objects, including rods, clubs, swords and hemp flat and, after being accused of killing the magic, student Ryo sets (12).

The incident occurred yesterday afternoon in the village when the body of the student who was reading the fourth grade in primary school Mhumbu awaiting burial.

It was alleged that after the SETI died, her parents in conjunction with the Chairman of the neighborhood, Hasha Hamis, they go to the teller to a witch doctor claiming the child died a superstition.

The village executive officer, Chacha Warioba, healer claimed that after making his medicine, explained that the student had taken the magical and the women and was still alive but had concealed part.

"I confirm it really exists incident, police arrived in the village and kuwachukuwa women and take them to the police station Bunda. When an event occurs I are here in the village, "said Warioba.

Chicks, who alleged that the student's parents sent him to a doctor, he told colleagues that she saw these magicians glass of water on a traditional healer. that statement was confirmed by mourners who were home at the time of the child's corpse awaiting burial if the inside.

Having defined it, some mourners began to hunt down the two women accused of witchcraft. They seized one after the other and take them to the mountain, as they put in a rope and threatened to slaughter them, and asking them to restore Waliwapiga child

The women (names we have), all residents of the Village of Mhumbu, they had experienced the brutality and cruelty involving superstitious beliefs, and even the home of one of them ilimwagiwa oil that it can be burnt.

"They beat us too much to stick, the blades of swords, mace and hemp, they tuteka up the mountain they forced us tumrudishe the child who claimed to have killed, I had He leads me down and had set arranged around the neck, supposedly wanichinje as I do not want to say the truth, but I deny that I know nothing." Said one of the women them.

The women were rescued by police who arrived at the scene and take them to Central Police Station before yakuwapeleka in Bunda Designated District Hospital Bunda (DDH). They are still hospitalized there after being wounded in the incident and a nurse on duty in the ward Women, Daria John, said their conditions were good.

Regional Police Commander Mara, Ng'anzi Ramadhani, said everyone involved mob must be arrested and brought to court.


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